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Meeting Minutes March 25, 2024


Updated: Jun 3, 2024



10892 PARKWAY RD, POUND WI 54161

This is an open meeting of the White Potato Lake District Commissioners.

Notice of this meeting was given to the public at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, by forwarding the complete agenda to the town of Brazeau and by posting to public bulletin boards at the town of Brazeau town hall and Rescue building and the WPL sanitary building on Walkers Bay rd. Copies of the complete agenda are available for inspection at the Town of Brazeau Town Hall or the Lake District website:

  1. Call to Order by Schneider at 6pm

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Roll Call- Present- Schaefer, Williams, Schneider, Wittmann (phone) Excused Kneibel Guest speaker Steve Heimeman and 5 Citizens (see attached list)

  4.  Agenda Approval Moved by Williams, second by Schaefer to approve the agenda with changes of moving item 10c and 10A before item 8A Motion passed 4-0

  5. Minutes of January 8, 2024 meeting – Motion by Schaefer, second by Schneider to approve. Motion passed 4-0

  6. Public Comments – Randy Parins expressed concerns about District communications

  7. Treasurer’s Report – Gwen Schaefer reported the following (see attached

    1. Money received – 8/21/ 23 to 2/28/24 received $38,840

    2. Checks written- 8/21/23 to 2/28/24 paid out $50.00 Motion by Williams, second by Schneider to approve checkbook transactions. Motion passed 4-0

    3. Discussion on movements of funds to high yield account – Schaefer reported then made a motion to Have Associated Bank move Lake district checking to a Money Market account with a interest rate of 4% and a minimum $10,000 balance. Second by Williams. Motion passed 4-0

  8. AIS Committee to review the 2024/25 AIS treatment and planning activities for White Potato Lake. To include projects, costs and status of grants and WPLD contributions as well as status of contractor bids. – Bob Wittmann explained the grant and process. It is a 2 year, 2 phase grant and budget project. Including a Biologic Survey Phase and a public participation Phase, both split into the next 2 years. There are 5 different grants we have received or are going to be getting to cover a total cost of $25,506 with the district to have to cover about $4,654.60 of these costs. Steve Heimerman then explained to us that we need to define the scope of each phase between the 2 years so we can budget appropriately. – No action taken and moved to next meeting

  9. Communications Committee Recommendations and Action on Newsletter Content, budget and timing – Mark Williams & Gwen Schaefer – gave report on Newsletter and discussion about content. Sent back to committee for more discussion and for their recommendation, timeline and budget

  10. Discussion Items

    1. Prepare 2024 Annual Meeting – Keith Schneider – moved to next meeting for more information

    2. Annual meeting agenda and set date and time– last year’s agenda attached – changes were recommended and will be brought back to next meeting. Annual membership meeting date is June 15 8am to 9am sign in and 9am start time

    3. Budget formulation. - Last year’s budget attached – moved to next meeting for more information

  11. Action Items

    1. Signage for OCLAWA grant need further action to move forward on location, budget and timing. –Gwen Schaefer & Mark Williams – Members explained several options. Motion by Williams, second by Schaefer to Refer back to the communications committee to bring back a recommendation of signs or board, budget and location

    2. Develop a management process for successful committee functioning. Further action needs to include purpose of each committee, expected results and what limits they have (budget, decisions, actions) – Steve Heimerman – explained the process and after discussion we will bring back at next meeting                                   

    3.  Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention – Finalize Attendees – Keith Schneider – John Kneibel and Larry Jaeger are confirmed to go Christine Jensema is?

    4. Develop a WPLD position on proposed Boating regulations and watersports to prohibit boats with wake enhancement operations proposed by OCLAWA. Proposed draft ordinance attached – Steve Heimerman, Dennis Schaefer – explained that this is being proposed by Townsend and is their recommendation and is not inclusive of all lakes or county’s. It might have to be a State wide ordinance.

  12. Committee Reports with possible action

    1. Policy committee recommendations need action by commissioners – Christine Jensema – there were several changes possible and was moved by Williams, second by Schaefer to move to next meeting. Motion passed 4-0

    2. Meetings policy - attached

    3. Voting procedure - attached

    4. Travel expenses – attached - attached

    5. Commissioner duties – attached

  13.  Items for Next Agenda – items referred in this meeting

  14.  Next Meeting March 25 at 6pm

  15.  Adjournment motion to adjourn by Williams, second Schaefer at 8:07pm

MW-Date Posted 3/25/24



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